Saturday, November 1, 2014

Almost a year

Hi everyone, i don't if anyone is reading this blog but ah well it has been almost year, almost, since my last post.

And i figured i should post again with so many things changing around me now.

People, time and school.

If any of my friends manage to scramble on this blog,

you found my inner mind.


Alright so let me begin, i ended my 1st sem of my 2nd year here at NAFA.

How time flies so quickly.

Yet in this 1.5 years so much have changed.

As we are approaching exam week, with project submissions due and concerts coming up, many of us are really drained.

And with me taking an extra module this sem, it's yet another added stress.

The teacher is strict too.

To comfort myself, i will always think that this is nothing compared to O levels,

the fatigue that eats into your mind then.

And worse, what if i had stayed on JC and am taking my A levels now?

This is small compared to those above,

i guess this is where i find my energy to carry on.

Recently there's been a shift in my mindset about my social circle,

what is happening and what may happen.

Sometimes i don't understand why people make life so complicated.

Friends confessing their inner self, friends that i have to let go (perhaps soon)

and friends who.... are very ambiguous.

"Come away, come away, death."

have been listening to Finzi's Let Us Garlands Bring.

I love the piano accompaniment and the melody writing for the voice.

This song somehow brings a little peace to this unsettling mind of mine.

"Fly away, fly away, breath"

I'm also frustrated with my singing.

These few week's voice coaching hasn't really been pleasant,

well at least to me.

"it is always not enough"

I need to express more,

but what about my breath? does it have what it takes to support me on?

My voice coacher keeps pushing and pushing me.

Trying to get me out of my own box.

It's also interesting how an extrovert like me have no problems expressing my feelings

in everyday life

but yet can't express myself the same way as when in singing.

I believe a part of the reason goes to technically not being there yet.

And therefore my mind and body feels that it's not ready to release myself out from the box yet.

Have been struggling with breath support this week,

thankfully i am satisfied by my practice today in school

i worked the support out.

Partly thanks to kishani's masterclass too.

So amazing how a mere thought (of support) can affect your voice.

Ah yes, we had our last performance yesterday.

Mozart's requiem, edited by Robert Levin

Overall, it was averagely passable.

But i'm also feeling disgruntled.

Why must we compensate to (emptiness) of people not contributing?

They don't sing properly, and make us cover for them.

Followers, those who are unsure of entrances.

Ugh, i've discussed much about this with my friends so i won't say any much more.

Yeah basically this is a summary of what is mainly happening in my life right now!

Good things and Bad.

It's just a phase that we all have to go through,

i guess.
Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Post of Year 2014

Hi everyone, we have traveled in time & are now in year 2014. 

4 years of comatose, I am finally back.

Interesting how the idea of visiting my old blogs just popped into my head.

& Poof! Now i'm here writing my first post of 2014! much has happened i don't even know where to start!

Alright, let me just do a run-through on these 4 MIA years.

Ah, yes. I guess the reason why i didn't blog anymore since 2010 was because i was promoted to be a senior and had to prepare for my 'O' levels.

You could say 2011-2012, were both exciting, fun-filled yet tiresome years.

In 2011, I just got streamed into the triple science class taking 

Pure Physics, Chemistry & Biology.

I was definitely elated that I got into the triple science class because it was my goal then and I did really managed to reach my goal.

I took English(duh.), Chinese, Higher Chinese, Elementary & Additional Math.

On top of that I had Music 'O' levels too.

Oh my goodness, now come to think of it, i really did not know how i managed to juggle with so many subjects.

Although I only did averagely for my 'O' levels, definitely not up to what i aimed for, but i was also grateful there weren't any Cs in the certificate.

Well, at least, except Higher Chinese.

& I finally got it over & done with on late November 2012.

I could still remember the joy & the sense of relief that i was finally done with exams. FINALLY.

Afterwhich i had this long 2 months break from December 2012-January 2013, i thought i could enjoy my holidays. 

Alas! That was not to be as my aunt called me to work as a data-entry clerk.

And so.. i took up my first job!

It was a horrible 1 month going to work everyday from 8am-5:30pm, sitting in front of the computer all day keying survey datas.

Thankfully, i had awesome colleagues that made my days a little less miserable.

After collecting my 'O' level results, it was a definite path to junior college(JC) for me.

It was my intention & goal afterall to be able to get into a JC!

And so, my 2 months of JC started at SRJC. (2013)

During my application to the junior colleges, i was also offered a chance to be able to study a music teaching diploma at Nanyang Academy Of Fine Arts(NAFA).

So i decided that i would apply for both institutions.

The academic year for JC started first so i went and registered at SRJC.

Auditions & Interviews for  NAFA were also happening simultaneously whilst i was in JC.

In April, the results for NAFA was out.

I have been accepted into NAFA.

It took me quite a while to decide if i should transfer schools and give up on JC to study music at NAFA.

After much consideration, i decided that. my future was in NAFA.

 & so i left JC and came to NAFA!

The academic year for NAFA started in July last year (2013), starting my freshman year there.

Now that 1 semester flown by real quick, there are just so many new things to talk about!

Not only new friends, but new knowledge too.

I feel that my brain has branched out the music sector of my brain.

My first semester here in NAFA, i've really grown a lot physically & mentally.

My course has only 5 people(including me). 

So the bond between us is very strong, and guess what? All of us are girls!

The 5 of us (5 peeps, we call ourselves) are all studying a diploma in music teaching, training us to become teachers of the future!

Interesting how sometimes life bends its own way out.

Being so science-orientated since primary & secondary school, all i wanted to do was science!

And now, i'm here as a music major.

Music to me, is my everything. Without music, life is a mistake.

I have been an avid fan of music. Listening from records to walkmans to mp3s.

I also started learning the piano at 7 while the electone (somewhat sim. to an organ) at 8.

The music path I created for myself have come a long way.

From ABRSM exams to 'O' level Music, now i am here embarking on the real deal, the real journey to my teaching/arts/future career!

Til now, it is still unimaginable to me where i am now.

I wouldn't have pictured myself studying in an music institution ever.

Although it was a temporary goal when i was young, but then i got side-tracked into the science-orientated path.

Somehow, i am yet back here. 

From where i started, 


The burning passion to understand it, 

to perform it.

& the thrills of listening to it,

be it classical or whatever genre that is.

Music, speaks my soul.

...signed off @2:35am.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Hello everybody... It's good to be back here.

After a hectic week of tests for the last 2 weeks.

& another math test coming up next wednesday.

Haven't been actually doing well in my tests lately,

Got exceptionally lousy grade from Chemistry,

my math and biology grades aren't that good either..

Barely making the mark.

Have understood my mistakes made in the test.

Which most of them are real silly but

i will NOT recommit the same mistake for the next test.

Sometimes, after i take back my test papers,

i feel very stupid because i knew what the answer was but

somehow wasn't in the right state of mind tt day or couldn't interpret properly.

Well, that is something i must work on.

Juggling with 9 subjects this year,

the fees generated by these 9 subjs cost up to $468,

so i must really work hard for O's.

But sometimes using the computer can help relieve stress so

it's still ok to get on the comp once in a while.

Haven't been able to use the computer lately

partially due the the huge amount of tests

and the other because i have my mom's iPhone to check facebook and stuff.

To keep myself virtually, socially still active.

Not to worry, i am also active physically.

Had a change of seating position in class recently,

i was moved to the front.

Perhaps with this new seating arrangement,

i could concentrate better.

But it all comes with a prize i guess,

not as much fun as i had when i was seating at the back of the class.

My new partner, my classmate is really funny.

Although she may not look like that on the outside.

She normally scores good grades but somehow is not good enough to her standards.

We help each other out when in doubts & share the love of (food) too!

Haha, she loves to sing too (like me!)

Once she forced me to sing Taylor Swift's Love story during English lesson,

then my english got irritated by my voice.

Said she couldn't concentrate with me singing.

It's not that i can't sing or something,

haha i just my english just cannot concentrate with people singing around her!


Anyway, time passed really fast this year.

In a blink of an eye, it's already the end of February

going to be the start of March.

Really have to make full use of the time i have left,

not to only study but to unwind and catch up with friends when i have the time.

Also, this coming March holidays i won't be travelling much

while my mom is bringing my sister to Hong Kong & Shen Zhen

to visit my uncle and his cute pupps!

Well, it's ok that i can't go.

I could leave the best for the last.

Enjoy as much as i want after my o levels :)

Oh yes! I received this news somedays ago,

that my science research project was short-listed for an interview on

10 MARCH 2012.

really surprised that we managed to got into the interview,

better start researching on questions that might be asked,

& refurnish our prototype!

Somehow excited and nervous about the interview though!

Hope we're able to win an award!

Shall end my post here for the day,

see yall soon~
Saturday, December 3, 2011

1 POST OF 2011

Heyy, it's been a really long time.

Since i really updated this blog, for about


OMG,yes,i think i really did forgot about my blog.

So busy throughout the year.

New responsibilities, new life to adapt to.

& most important my CHINESE O LEVELS was this year.

Choir had so many things to do, SYF..

Did i mention that my choir managed to clinch a GOLD for SYF???!!!!


Now with year 2011 coming to an end real soon,

i doubt i can continue to publish more posts,

i'll post whenever i have time! *promise*

So i'm suppose to submit a science report by tomorrow,

& the thing is,

i haven't actually quite started on it yet.


& with so much homework to do,

i must really use my time wisely.

But blogging is putting my time to good use right?

At least, i hope.

It had been since a very long time since i blogged,

so really have so many things to write for this post

but then again don't know WHAT to write.

Anyways, i'll just talk about my upcoming events for December.

The recent one which just ended was SINGOUT'11.

It was the last concert for the Secondary 3's,

it was a great night.

& another one coming up is our choir TAIPEI exchange trip,

which will be from 11-15 December.

Kinda excited for it cause it'll be the last trip until December next year!

But i think next year will pass really fast,

which, i do not want it to,

only 9 months to prepare for O level exams.

I think this is quite a lot of update about me for 1 year?

I'll post more updates for my next post then.

Gotta complete my science report now!!

Till we meet again :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday December!

Oh man, this seems bad.

I'm only updating my blog


I don't think i've much readers anyway.


This blog, for entertainment purposes?

Haha, well,

it's December already so i'm back here to make another post


I don't think i'll be able to blog like next year and such,

cause of the many heavy workloads.

Triple Science, HCL, Music Programme.

& I need to prepare for both Organ and Piano Exams..

I think I'll still stick to once every one month..

no, 2 months?

We'll see about that next time!!

Well, you see, everytime i have a new post,

is basically because i've news to tell you people! :D

I went for organ lesson yesterday,

& WOW.

Our Christmas arrangement for this comin' Saturday's performance

is almost done already.

Our mini-performance <3

Haha, tell you something more CRAZY.








My my, totally CRAZY.

My family ain't have that kinda of money.

but we bought it.

My mum said i signed a life contract/bond with her,

to be her slave (LOL)

to pay for the STAGEA.

To tell you, i've already accumulated so much debt.

with MOM.

Very thankful that she is willing to invest such money on me.

After we bought a 3k + organ already.

After we bought a 5k + piano already.

Now we buying a 13k organ.


It'll be arriving next week. (SO FAST)

KYAK! Totally excited for it!

So glad to know i'm blessed with so much things.

So i shall work hard for next year.

Work for the scholarship.

For my studies.... :)

Well, my December post will end here.

Do enjoy Christmas!

25/12/2010 <3
Friday, November 5, 2010


Look who's back?

Uh-huh! It's me.

Gosh, have been neglecting this blog like...


Ugh, i know, i know..

Exams are over already...

So what's left now? Hehehe, TIME!

Freeeeeeeee Time!

Yes, well, today is friday.

[ 5 November 2010 ]


Happy Deepavali!

Woke up very late today..

Had lunch at the nearby coffeeshop.

Nothing interesting happened today.

Well, at least NOTHING.

Had to do house chores today!

But i'm still hanging on the computer...

Refusing to do move an inch. :p

Time Check : 4:38pm


Can't wait for music bank to start!

Girls' Generation/SNSD coming back with


Hope they would win today.

& that they've been running here and there..

They might want to rest and take care of their health :)

So that they can produce another better album. Hehe.

Yeah so maybe i might be streaming music bank later on.

Received an sms today, math holiday homework has been uploaded.


It's the YEAR-END and they still have to give homework.

Nonetheless, it's for our benefits right?

So i should stop complaining now.

& get down to business.

Printing out the math worksheets later.

Total of 3 of them.

At least now i have something to do? :D

Oh yeah, ohyeah!

I'm totally excited for tomorrow!

Though Saturday is the most busy day,

but there's WGM!


I'm a Yongseo fan by the way~

Keke, can't wait to see what's in seohyun's box

and their sweet japan trip.


in TOTAL heat now!

Talking bout' tomorrow.

Gosh, there's math tuition.

Maybe their gonna teach us on something new on


It's quite cool actually, consider the fact that not many like


Haha, one question is like ONE WHOLE LONG PAGE.


Learned the remainder theorem for the past two weeks

and have been practicing on it like a whole dozen of questions.

My, my.

Oh, oh!

And and this cool stuff they taught me!


But i can't seem to find the worksheet though.

Might be with the teacher.

I shall check tomorrow.


So that's all for today folks~

Bye bye <3~~

Follow me @twitter:
Sunday, June 20, 2010

1 st post since 29 march.


Is it just me or was my LAST POST on



Haven't been blogging for like 3 months?

Oh well, many of you readers have been keeping up with me.

My blog is NOT dead, OK?!

It's just...




Yeah. It just went into a long long long sleep.

Aren't I back now to 'ACTIVATE' it?

So, lemme what's there to blog about.



There's really a huge thing COMIN' UP

before the school holidays end.


1st choir premiere, so so excited!

Have been practicing alot lately.

Practices, practices & practices.

So, yeah.

Actually it doesn't matter if it's a full house or not.

It's a matter of


Had loads of fun and 'entertainment' with my singing group.

& not forgetting my seniors of course.

They spent alot of time preparing for this and that.

[ THANK YOU ] ! you guys.

I bet this concert is gonna be a whole AWESOME one!


Well, school is starting in less than a week's time.

Gotta pull my socks up already.


A big DAY for the whole lot of us.

May this concert be a blast!

God bless.

Have to hit the books already.

May you readers have a good day,ya?

Ok :)

See you all next time :D

Bye for now~ :B